
How To Get A Hyperdrive In No Man's Sky

Posted by 4 years agone


Cant find Hyperdrive pattern, Assist!

Im virtually 15 hours in and I have decent ship and tool, but i just cant find a hyperdrive bp. I never got a distress telephone call like the wiki says. Cananyone signal me towards how to find this bp? I cant detect any new bps in fact. Where do I find them? Thanks

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level 1

Already got hyperdrive on new game. Thanks iv help. My ps4 pro was glitching so oftentimes- every 5 min no joke that information technology must have glitched quests. I have a 22 slot form a fighter and about 4 mil creds. Not a bad start. Thanks again

level one

And so i started over, but when i got contacted in infinite i got a terrain bean and base computer. Does information technology happen again, or practice i need to build a base of operations before i get hyperdrive?

level 2

No, this is right. Keep going.

level 1

Lol, went thru 4 of those. Started over. Thanks

level 1

Look for crashed freighter

level 1

I foundhalf way liveable planet on fifth effort. It takes 1 hour half dozen min to make dihydro jelly to repair launch thrusters, really? Thats just stupid. There is aught around me i tin can even occupy that time with. Very frustrating game. I played at launch, simply this doesnt seem like its fixed

level 2

What? Information technology takes 2 minutes to turn a few DH into ane jelly.

level 1

Restarted iv times and each time my planet so toxis i dice within 30 sec. Im near to breah this disc in half and forget i e'er wasted time on this bs

level 2

Calm down buddy.

You demand to find a cave or sodium plants to recharge your take a chance protection.

level 1

I had the aforementioned problem. When it happened to me, I tried finding other ships that take hyperdrive. But because of the issues, hyperdrive will not evidence upwardly in ships considering you haven't learned information technology. It'due south like... those ships do accept hyperdrive, you simply can't see it because of the issues. In the end, I had to beginning over and I was able to get the hyperdrive blueprint from the stress point at the freighter crash site. I'm sorry that I can't exist of much assistance.

level 2

Cheers anyway. I had serious crashing problems when i began, like every 5 min on my ps4 pro. Wasnt till this week i was able to really play

level 1

Do i need to bilud a base of operations first?

level one

Im on my 3rd A form send, 29 slots and none have hyperdrive. Ive found a few glyphs, merely cipher else in my log besides quests ive picked up.

level 1

I don't recall you Tin find them outside of the quest for your starter transport. You could possibly buy/find a new ship if y'all can notice one, as every other ship comes with hyperdrive. Do you have any quests in the Log? I know one of my principal missions didn't kicking in until a day or two later, the one for chromatic metal.


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