Easy means to quickly test your bandwidth

 Originally published on May 18, 2018 past
Last updated on March 30, 2022 • vii minute read

To really empathise the wellness of your network, you lot need ongoing monitoring. But sometimes yous just need a quick check to see that everything is running like it should be. A quick examination of bandwidth tin can be very useful in this situation.

Much similar monitoring a credit score, when it comes to bandwidth, the specific number isn't as of import as the full general range. For example, if you normally get somewhere near xl Mbps for your internet download speed, only it drops to 2 Mbps during sure times of day, there may exist bug that need to be resolved. On the other hand, the difference between 41.23 Mbps and 40.89 Mbps is much less relevant.

i Bandwidth is measured as the amount of data that tin can be transferred from one signal to another within a network in a specific amount of fourth dimension. Typically, bandwidth is expressed as a bitrate and measured in $.25 per second (bps). It refers to the transmission chapters of a connexion and is an important gene when determining the quality and speed of a network.

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Internet speed exam tools

A quick and easy way to get a bandwidth check is to utilise an internet-based speed examination. At that place is nix to install and the results are available in seconds. At that place are numerous online bandwidth tests, including ones from large providers such every bit AT&T and Comcast in the U.S. And, only in case you lot are worried that your Isp might try and brand their own service look faster than it is, in that location are independent speed tests, such equally Speedtest.cyberspace or Google's Stadia bandwidth speed check.

These bandwidth tests piece of work by downloading and uploading a known quantity of data to their server and then measuring the time it takes. The results (you go at least data virtually the upload speed, download speed, and ping) tin tell you if the net is really slow today (for you at least) or if you're simply in a hurry.

Local network bandwidth tests

The catch to an online, internet-based bandwidth exam is that information technology involves the bandwidth of your internet connexion in the exam. Sometimes, it is useful to know about the bandwidth on the local network. This requires a locally installed bandwidth tool or monitoring software.

For a unproblematic bandwidth measurement on a unmarried PC, Windows Task Manager can prove basic data about your Wi-Fi and ethernet connection. Simply select the Performance tab and then click the network interface. In the instance beneath, you tin can see what happens when watching a YouTube trailer.local-network-bandwidth-test-2.jpg

To really get a full picture of network bandwidth, it takes a more than advanced tool like Paessler PRTG monitoring software. This kind of tool has several advantages over simpler tools.
Starting time, while it volition likewise let you expect at a snapshot of current bandwidth information (LAN and/or Wi-Fi), it tin can likewise runway and shop bandwidth results. This allows an administrator to view how bandwidth changes over time. Also, the tools mentioned before only bear witness how the bandwidth is bachelor to the unmarried reckoner running the test.

With PRTG, and tools like it, you tin can monitor all of the traffic on the local network every bit it passes by the network interface. This allows the administrator to not only see how much bandwidth is available, merely also how much is being used and by whom (plan, device, service, protocol, IP address etc.). Is there someone streaming loftier-definition videos? Is the printer repeatedly trying to download updates? Once the ambassador can meet what is using the bandwidth, they tin can either gear up it, or make the case to upgrade to more bandwidth.

local-network-bandwidth-test-1.jpg PRTG also monitors additional performance information such as latency, ping from different locations, or the availability of your internet connection in percent.

Other quick bandwidth tests

The information traffic on network interfaces can likewise be logged with the control line tool iftop. It runs on unix-like operating systems and can be constitute in the repositories of all common distributions and can therefore usually exist installed via the package manager. Y'all can use information technology to explicitly determine where and how much bandwidth is existence used on which network interface. It can display which network connections exist betwixt 2 IP addresses, also every bit the number of information packets running over this connection. If necessary, it is possible to switch to the protocol level, where the unabridged CIFS or HTTP data stream tin be displayed. This enables successful troubleshooting in case of a slow connection.